So many uses. So much to love.

Our leather cleaners and balms are perfect for all leather goods. Although we love our equestrians, try it on any of your leather goods. From boots, to fine couches we belive you'll find that it works great on all of them. When you do use it, tell us about it! We want to know what you thought about it - and how it worked. We appreciate everyone's input and want to use it to improve. Take a look at these customer submitted photos of their leather goods before and after properly cleaning and conditioning them with the Higher Standards Leather Care products. We also found out its good for hair care?
From: Kara C.
Worn out paddock boots from many a long day can be saved - "A true testament to Higher Standards soap and leather balm...before and after!"
Photo: Jennie J.
In the 'we thought we had seen it all file' from our sponsored rider Andrew Palmer - "Andrew's styling product is YOUR leather balm!!!!! Higher Standards is good for more than just leather in a pinch! (and since it is all natural it's ok!!) "
From: Sarah W.
"After a long, dusty, wonderful day Higher Standards Leather Care is always there to make sure you can still see the scuffs and wrinkles in my good pair of boots!"