The Story of the Soap.

Back in 2003, looking for Christmas gifts for my barn friends, I decided to experiment with making saddle soap. I found a recipe, and began to tinker with it, researching different essential oils, and working on scent combinations. It was fun and challenging, and the soap worked really well!
The following spring, I developed a terrible crush on Karen O’Connor’s mount, Upstage, or "Woody", owned by Dick & Vita Thompson. I was entranced by the story of the "little horse that could," and I just loved his personality.
During Rolex week, I sent a care package to Kentucky for Woody and his "staff." In that package was a container of my handmade soap. I thought that Max Corcoran (Karen’s longtime, excellent groom) might try it, but figured they probably had something else that they used regularly. So I was stunned a couple of months later when Max asked, "Hey, when can I get some more of that soap? That stuff is awesome!" For the next nine years I made Max several large containers as she needed them – so far, my soap has been to the Pan Ams, the World Equestrian Games, the Hong Kong and London Olympics, Rolex, Badminton and Burghley, and many other top venues. And now, the soap used by one of the best professional upper level grooms in the business is available to the rest of us, from entry level all the way to the top! It is called Higher Standards Leather Care.
Why "Higher Standards"? After being asked to leave a couple of boarding barns because I was "too picky" I decided that I was not a picky loser, but rather just had Higher Standards than most people – and a name was born! The current scents are named after some very special event horses, who are retired or no longer with us. Please send feedback to Thank you so very much!
All the best,
The following spring, I developed a terrible crush on Karen O’Connor’s mount, Upstage, or "Woody", owned by Dick & Vita Thompson. I was entranced by the story of the "little horse that could," and I just loved his personality.
During Rolex week, I sent a care package to Kentucky for Woody and his "staff." In that package was a container of my handmade soap. I thought that Max Corcoran (Karen’s longtime, excellent groom) might try it, but figured they probably had something else that they used regularly. So I was stunned a couple of months later when Max asked, "Hey, when can I get some more of that soap? That stuff is awesome!" For the next nine years I made Max several large containers as she needed them – so far, my soap has been to the Pan Ams, the World Equestrian Games, the Hong Kong and London Olympics, Rolex, Badminton and Burghley, and many other top venues. And now, the soap used by one of the best professional upper level grooms in the business is available to the rest of us, from entry level all the way to the top! It is called Higher Standards Leather Care.
Why "Higher Standards"? After being asked to leave a couple of boarding barns because I was "too picky" I decided that I was not a picky loser, but rather just had Higher Standards than most people – and a name was born! The current scents are named after some very special event horses, who are retired or no longer with us. Please send feedback to Thank you so very much!
All the best,